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MaxiElit - Herbull Power 180 Kapslar

MaxiElit - Herbull Power 180 Kapslar
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MaxiElit - Herbull Power 180 Kapslar
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  • Lagerstatus: Ej i lager
  • Modell: HRB_POW180
  • Vikt: 150.00g
Produkter sålda: 191096
Produktvisningar: 37241
Exkl moms: 534kr
NU FINNS DET BARA I PULVERFORM KVAR under namnet Herbo Repairicum!!!
Herbull  gör succé överallt för herbull ger en extrem styrkeökning genom träning för dom som vill ha det och välmående för dom som vill ha det! Produkt för dom seriösa och disciplinerande! En 100% naturlig vegetabilisk produkt för hälsan och träning. För Man och Kvinna     

En sund livsstil är det allra viktigaste för att bidra till en bra hälsa och bra tränings resultat. Genom att sluta röka, motionera regelbundet och stressa mindre, minskas de negativa effekterna på kroppen. Herbull passar alla från motionär till elit idrottare och även dom som inte tränar.

  • Mer energi och välmående
  • Mer muskler
  • Mer muskel uthållighet
  • Mer vitalitet
  • Mer styrka och kraft
  • Bryt igenom din platå
  • Testo booster
  • Mer rörlighet
  • Ökad fettreducering
  • Snabb återhämtning
  • Lusthöjande för båda könen
  • Vaknar mer energisk
  • D-tox
  • Adaptogen

I en dubbel blind placebo studie uppnåddes följande resultat:

  • Mer styrka (378% mer i dubbel blind studie)
  • Effektiv muskeluppbyggnad (474% mer i dubbel blind studie)
  • Muskeldefinition
  • Fettreduktion (538% mer i dubbel blind studie)
  • Mer naturlig testosteron
  • Återhämtning och Adaptation (anpassning)
  • Naturlig och biverkningsfri testo booster

Testosteron är ett manligt könshormon som även kvinnor har fast i mindre mängd. Med åren så sjunker testosteron både hos mannen och kvinnan vilket kan leda till mindre energi, mindre styrka och kraft, mer underhuds fett och minskad lust. Herbull innehåller Herborepairicum®. Herbull är inte ett testosterontillskott och tillför inte testosteron.
Testosteron är känt för att spela en central roll i kroppens muskeluppbyggnad och styrke ökning genom träning. Testosteron stimulerar produktionen av muskelprotein samtidigt som det förhindrar nedbrytningen (katabolism). Dessa två processer är vad som avgör om vi bygger muskelmassa eller inte. När testosteronnivåerna stiger, återhämtnings förmåga förbättras. När återhämtning förmåga förbättras, fler ökningar görs. Eftersom fler ökningar görs, uppnår man flera succéer och testosteronnivåerna stiger, och så vidare och så vidare så länge cykeln fortsätter!!!
När DHT är för högt påverkar det prostata och hårväxten negativt. Förhöjd östrogen hos mannen kan leda till sämre fettreduktion vilket gör att man lägger på sig lättare fett eller har svårare att bli av med överskott av underhudsfett. Genom att träna och sköta kosten kan man få kroppen i god balans.

*HERBO REPAIRICUM TM is Trade Mark of Maxi Elit - OBS!  HERBUL POWER EXTREM är i kapselform och är samma produkt som Herbo Repairicum som är i pulverform fast utan Zink och Vitamin B6. Herbo Repairicum är registerat namn på sammansättningen.

Zink och Vitamin B5 Bidrar till att bibehålla

- och reglera hormon aktiviteten

- en normal funktion av röda blodkroppar

- och skydda celler mot oxidations stress

- normalt hud, hår, naglar och syn

- en normal metabolism av fettsyror

- en normal kognitiv funktion

- normal kolhydrat och mikronutrient metabolism

- syra bas metabolism

- en normal syntes av DNA 

- minska trötthet och utmattning

- normal funktion av immun systemet

- en normal fertilitet och reproduktion

- normal protein syntes

- en normal testosteron nivå i blodet

*Dessa uttalanden har vetenskapligt bevisats av Europeiska myndigheten för livsmedelssäkerhet (EFSA) och godkänts av Europeiska kommissionen (EG)

Janik Velgos, Slovakien har gjort 14 Världs Rekord på 14 månader i styrkelyft.

Martin Tye, England, enda person I världen som har gjort 550kg marklyft från sittande.  Han slog sitt VR med 30 kg villket inte ska överhuvudtaget vara möjligt på den här vikten.

Q & A: Herbull® Power Extreme [Herborepairicum® GI-4™]

Q: What is Herbull/Herborepairicum GI-4

A: It has a HU2 TM (frequency-modified herbs)  consisting of i.a. Cinnamic acids, Phenylpropanoids, Phenols from Ocimum basilicum, Tilia cordata, Rosmarinus Officinalis, Zingiber Officinale etc. This is first of all a health product that has shown a fantastic impact on physical activity. 

Q: What sort of results can I expect to see from using Herbull® Power Extreme?
A: Increases in strength, muscle mass, testosterone and a decrease in fat mass have been recorded in over 96-97% of all test subjects. Your recovery will be much faste and your natural energy level will be higher. You will vake up without being tired.  Various other results are being reported by users including beneficial effects on joints after tuff rtaining, less muscle soreness, faster recovery after injury (up to 65%), more energy, better mood etc.. Competitive Power Lifters report significant results in strength gain.

Q: How significant will these results be from using Herbull® Power Extreme?
A: Everyone is different so results vary from person to person, depending on metabolism and training levels. If the dosing directions are followed exactly and you exercise hard, you can expect significant success. Competitive athletes report very significant results. About 98% get from god to extreme good results.

Q: How will I see the results from using Herbull® Power Extreme?

A: Strength results are best measured by recording weights and reps or similar measurements both before starting Herbull® and after 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks and by comparing ongoing increases. Both lean (muscle) mass and fat mass should be measured and recorded before starting Herbull® and again after 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks and ongoing to compare any changes. The best way to actually see testosterone results is to have a blood sample taken before starting on Herbull® and another sample taken after 4 or 8 weeks to compare blood-serum testosterone levels. (Note: do not use saliva sample testing, this method is proven unreliable and can give false readings).

Q: How important is training in achieving results when taking Herbull® Power Extreme?
A: The harder the training, the better the results (with sufficient recovery time). Because Herbull has also D-tox  effects, gives more energy, good feeling and good health

Q: Do I need to cycle on and off Herbull® Power Extreme?
A: No, you can cycle if you prefer but there is no need to, Herbull® is an all natural herbal product and contains nothing the body needs to ‘take a break from’.

Q: Do I have to take Herbull® on an empty stomach?
A: YES, this is crucial. Taking Herbull® on an empty stomach (earliest two hours after meal) is essential to gain optimal results. Herbull® is very sensitive to disturbances that can occur if you mix Herbull® with food or any drink other than water. The specific frequency that exists between the herbs, minerals and vitamins can drastically deteriorate if you mix Herbull® with anything else.

Q: What is meant by an empty stomach?
A: An empty stomach means at least two hours after eating (and at least 1 hour before eating again). In some cases even two and a half hours after eating is better, depending on what you have eaten. Also it is extremely important not to drink anything except water for at least one hour after you have taken Herbull®, including foods in liquid form such as protein drinks, carbohydrate drinks, liquid aminos, carbonated beverages, coffee, etc. If you mix Herbull® with anything except water, the effects can be completely neutralized.

Q: How important is it to follow the Herbull® Power Extreme directions exactly?
A: It is very important to follow the directions carefully. Note: You will not get good results if you do not follow the directions as closely as possible. When you take Herbull® three times per day evenly spread out (2 capsules every 7-8 hours) you will get 100% effect for 24 hours per day. If you take it only two times you will get only less effect.

Q: Which is the best way to take Herbull® during the day?
A: Directions are different on training day and on rest day. If possible, start the day by taking Herbull® one hour before breakfast. Some people take Herbull® one hour before they get up in the morning. If this does not suit your daily schedule, wait at least 2 hours after eating breakfast before taking Herbull®. The second time could be three to four hours after lunch and third time before bedtime. For example on rest day: 1st dose 06:00, Breakfast 07:00, Lunch 12:00, 2nd dose 15:00, Dinner 18:00, 3rd 22:00.

Workout day: take always 4 capsules 60-90 minutes before workout and rest of the capsules split up in two times.

Q: But what if I want to take my protein drink before bedtime and my other supplements before training?
A: This is not a problem. You can take your protein drink and other supplements one hour before bedtime and take  Herbull just before bedtime, or take your protein drink one hour before bedtime and Herbull just before bedtime. When it comes to training you just make sure that you take your supplements one hour before or after Herbull.

Q: Can I drink alcohol?
A: If possible avoid alcohol completely during the period you are taking Herbull®. If you take a glass of beer or wine with dinner occasionally there should be no adverse effect. However, if you drink a lot of alcohol the effects from Herbull® will decrease drastically or be completely lost when you have a lot of alcohol in your body.

Q: For how long do I need to take Herbull® Power Extreme?
A:  Generally results will improve every week. Depending on your goals, you may want to continue for several months or indefinitely. We have had also extreme results even first 7-10 day, so anything can happened.

Q: How long before I begin to see results from using Herbull® Power Extreme?
A: Depending on your level of training, measurable results are usually seen after 1-2 weeks. The longer you take Herbull® the better results you will have. It’s also important to take care of your nutrition and sleep.

Q: Is there any side effects?

A: Becouse of its D-tox effects it  happened  that very few people have to go to restroom more often first 1-3 days. In very rear situations some people have feeling like Acid re flux. This lasts very short period. In this case just drink more water or add 1/3 tsp of bicarbonate to your glass of water.

Study of the Effects of Herborepairicum® GI-4™ and Placebo

The aim of the study was to measure effects Herborepairicum® GI-4™ had on strength, muscle growth, fat reduction and testosterone levels relative to Placebo during a supervised programme of intensive training. After nine weeks the results showed a significant difference in favor of Herborepairicum® GI-4™.


Strength training was done 3 times per week. The training was at high intensity and more frequent than usual. Squats, bench press and press behind the neck were done on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Monday’s intensity was 8-12 reps at between 70% and 80% of the maximum, Wednesday and Friday intensity was between 85% and 100% (1-5 reps) of the maximum. In both cases the maximum sets was 5. The remaining muscle groups were trained Monday and Friday up to 3 sets using a variety of exercises. Training intensity was increased each week.

Study participants were directed to take 2 capsules 3 times a day at roughly equal intervals and strictly on an empty stomach. Half the test subjects received placebo, the other half received Herborepairicum® GI-4™. The subjects' diet was not altered for the study; subjects continued on the same diet as before the study.  No other supplements were added to their diet during the study. 

Dr. Aleksandra Branković och Dr. Dušan Nalčić,  and their team carried out various tests with twenty five subjects (including three women). Five subjects did not complete the study because of injury and illness. Participants' ages were between eighteen and forty two years. Of those who completed the study, the average age was 24.5 years. Of these were two women with an average age of 34.5 years. The subjects’ training experience was between one and five years. The study lasted two months (nine weeks). Blood-serum samples, body weight, lean mass, and fat mass measurements were taken before starting and at the end of the study.

Testosterone analysis was done using equipment from Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany.  

Fat mass measurements were made with Skin fold Caliper from Fat Control Inc. Stewartstown. PA. USA

2016 Test Results:

A 9 week of tests on the effects of Herborepairicum® GI-4™ was completed in 2016


Bench, squats and press behind neck.

Placebo  group  increased muscle strength by an average of 9,95kg (8,47%) per person in all three exercises.

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group increased muscle strength by average 33kg (40,49%) per person in all three exercises.

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group overall strength increase compared to Placebo group overall increase = 378% greater increase.

That means Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group average increase over the 3 exercises was more than 3 times that of Placebo group.

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ the average strength increased in squats is 102% greater than Placebo group.

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ average strength increased in bench press is 259% greater than Placebo group.

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ average strength increased in press behind the neck is 529% than Placebo group.

Lean body mass

Placebo group decreased lean body mass -5,3 kg (average -0,53 kg/person)

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group increased lean body mass by 23,4 kg (average 2,34 kg/person)

Placebo group lost lost 0,77% average lean body mass per person.

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group gained 3,74% average lean body mass per person.

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group gained 585% more lean body mass than placebo group.

Fat mass

Placebo group decreased fat mass by 3,53 kg (average 0,353 kg/person)

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group decrease fat mass by 22,91 kg (average 2,29 kg/0erson)

Placebo group lost 2,21% average fat mass per person.

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group lost 13,52% average fat mass per person.

Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group lost 536% more fat than the placebo group.


The Placebo group average blood-serum testosterone declined -2%, while Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group average blood-serum testosterone increased +28%. Herborepairicum® GI-4™ group blood-serum testosterone increased by 15 times that of Placebo group. (Women’s average blood-serum testosterone increased more than the men’s average.)

Storlek 180 kapslar
Antal doseringar per förpackning 90
Dosering Dosering: På träningsdagen: Alltid 4 kapslar 60-90 min fore träningen!! Om träningen är före kl. 12.00 ta 4 kapslar en timme före träningen och 2 kapslar på kvällen. Tränar du efter kl. 18, ta 4 kapslar fore träningen och 2 kapslar på morgonen. Tränar du fore kl. 16, ta 4 kapslar ca en time fore träningen och 2 kapslar när du lägger dig. På tränings fria dagar: 2 kapslar 3 gånger per dag, på TOM MAGE (tidigast två timmar efter maten) eller en timme före maten (mycket viktigt), tre gånger per dag. Man får bara dricka vatten under en timme efter att man har tagit kapslarna. Får man brännande magkänsla (p.g.a ingefära) drick mycket vatten eller lägg i lite bikarbonat i vattnet när du tar Herbull. Det går också att ta frukt eller protein drink en timme före Herbull. Frukt och protein blir matsmält mycket snabbare än många andra matsorter. Bieffekter: Eftersom produkten har en D-tox effekt kan det hända att du får gå mera på toaletten 1-2 dagar. Viktigt att följa anvisningen strikt för optimalt resultat. Optimal tesultat vid inntag tre gånger per dag jämnt fördelat under dagen. O.B.S. Produkten är helt beroende av att den tas på tom mage!!! Gör du inte det eller inte kan följa direktivet då ska du inte köpa produkten!!!
Innehåll per dosering 2 kapslar 580 mg
Innehållsdeklaration Basilika (Basilica), Lind blomma (Tilia cordata), Rosmarin (Rosmarinus Officinalis), Ingefära (Zingiber Officinale), Zink, Vitamin B6. Ingredienser Per 2 kapslar: Basilika 218 mg * , Lind 218 mg * , Rosmarin 72 mg *, Ingefära 72 mg * Zink 4 mg ' Vitamin B6 4 mg. * Kromium pikolinat 13,4 mcg, Vitamin B12 0,8 mcg. Daglig referensintag ej fastställd.
Allmänt Detta är ett kosttillskott och bör ej användas som ett alternativ till en varierad kost. Den rekommenderade dagliga dosen bör ej överskridas. Förvaras oåtkomlig för små barn. Tänk på vikten av en mångsidig och balanserad kost och en hälsosam livsstil. Om Du är gravid, ammande, lider av sjukdom eller behandlas med läkemedel bör Du alltid kontakta läkare innan Du använder produkten. Denna produkt är inte avsedd att behandla, bota eller förebygga sjukdom.
Andreas Lindell 2020-09-30

Jag tog det ca 3 månader sist och ökade redan efter 1 månad mellan 5-10kg/hantel i hantelpress. Hade lite problem me mitt högra knä också innan dessa men det försvann efter typ 2 månader och jag kunde lätt ta 50kg mer än tidigare i benböj. Massan vet jag inte har inte vägt mig alls, men märkte på mina axlar och att jag fick en bättre hållning också
Otroligt bra produkt ni skapat o kommer köra detta hela hösten vintern o våren o se vad detta ger mig denna gången men ser fram emot det väldigt mycke.
ENG::I took it about 3 months last time and increased already after 1 month between 5-10kg / dumbbell in dumbbell press. Had a little problem with my right knee also before these, but it disappeared after 2 months and I could easily take 50kg more than before in squats. The mass I don't know, I have not weighed myself at all but noticed on my shoulders and that I got a better posture as well. Incredibly good product you have created and will take this all autumn winter and spring and see what this gives me this time but look forward to it very much.

Mikael N 2020-05-25

Started with Herbull on the 17th of April

Bench press from 187.5 - 200 (205 but not nothing.
April 17th I did deadlift 185 but released my grip
Deadlift from 185 - 225kg in six days.
Today I did deadlift 225kg without straps.

Had 187.5 kg in bench before I started with Herbullerbull.
Today I did 2x190kg, 1x195kg and 1x200kg
Thanks to herbull I am 30 kg over the Swedish record in bench press
Herbull is insane
Mikael Nilsson, Falkenberg

David S. 2020-05-25

ENG: Hi. On April 22, I bought Herbull. Then I thought I should measure and see the effect. Last year I used it there were big effects. This time I wanted to measure and see. Check out the results in less than four weeks! I am not a beginner and 40 years .. so it is an old man who gets these results ... not a testosterone aged 25 years !. I measure with muscle scanner, where you measure muscle quality. Look here .. it's less than a month.
For those who do not understand, this is huge! My arm increased about 1.5 cm and I lost between 15-17% fat on my biceps. My biceps-clean muscles increased L 7% and R 13%. Triceps L 4.5% and R 4%, fat loss L 10.5% and R 7%, forearm muscle gain L 9%, R 7%, fat loss L 8%, R 13%

David S. 2020-05-25

SWE: Hej . Den 22 april köpte jag Herbull. Då tänkte jag att jag borde mäta och se effekten. Förra året jag använde det var det stora effekter. Den här gången ville jag mäta och se. Kolla in resultaten på mindre än fyra veckor! Jag är inte en nybörjare och 40 år .. så det är en gammal man som får dessa resultat ... inte en testosteron fylld 25 åring!. Jag mäter med muskelscanner, där du mäter muskelkvaliten. Titta här .. det är mindre än en månad.
För dem som inte förstår, detta är enormt ! Min arm ökade cirka 1,5 cm och jag tappade mellan 15-17% fett på min biceps. Mina biceps-rena muskler ökade L 7% och R 13%. Triceps L 4,5% och R 4%, fettminskning L 10,5% och R 7%, underarm muskelökning L 9%, R 7%, fettminskning L 8%, R 13%

Micke 2020-04-19

På mindre än en vecka har jag ökat min bänkpress från 195 kg till 200 kg.. Så sjukt nöjd med Herbull

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Dålig Utmärkt

12 times Swedish Grip Champ. World Strongest Master competitor 2017, 2018WORLD RECORD holder in grip!!!! "I have tried Herbull for two months, and I was really impressed about its effects, so I decided to join Team HERBULL. My strength endurance has increased enormously, and I can work out for hours. Energy from Herbull is amazing and so recovery. 90% of my friends loves Herbull.!!! I’m 47 and I’m have made many Personal Records so far since I started with Herbull. This product is just unbelievable. Kalle Lane 

I had ACL injury and had to have surgery. Recovery time for this type of injury is 9-12 month. After just five months I was 100% back and my therapist and my Dr didn’t believe it. Thanks to hard work and Herbull it’s almost like magic. Jesper Jurell Swedish Golf Pro

The first week I went from 35 reps at 200kg to 41 reps 200kg leg press! Insane!!! On my second week I did Squats 10 reps 180kg, 5 x 200kg, 5 x210kg and 5 x 210kg and 5 x 230kg! Now in my third week I did 5 x 240kg and could do more! A few weeks later I did 5 reps at 250kg!!! Weigths over 200kg I have not done for a long time. My leg press has increased by 40kg in 2-3 weeks!!! I strongly believe that Herbull made this possible.

I also had shoulder surgery. Had to keep my arm fixed to the body for five weeks. Two weeks after my arm was free for movement I had almost 100% flexibility and my therapist and Dr couldn’t believe it. I believe that this is thanks to Herbull Is just crazy. Johan Adolfsson 2nd 95kg+ at Swedish Championships.

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