Hello my name is Chani Ebrahim and I am an active Mens Physique athlete.Today will be my first post.Here I will be writing a training journal for you to follow me.I am a sponsored MaxiElit athlete and I use supplements from MaxiElit.Today I hit Chest..
29NovLooking to build a bigger chest to get that summer body ready? Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro takes you through his chest workout and gives you the tips you need to build out those pecks.TIPS:1. Make sure you warm up before your exercise. Get blood fl..
10SepClosing in on the Olympia Figure competition Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro and Martina Yabekova take time to focus in on problem areas. Notice in this video they discuss focusing in on Negatives in the lift and making sure the machines are properly a..
14SepOn Road To Olympia Part 6, Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro takes IFBB Pro Martina Yabekova through a quick back and glute workout. The goal is to focus and train problem areas so she can rest and give her all in cardio. This close to the Olympia, you’r..
13SepLooking to build more fullness to your legs? Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro takes you through IFBB Pro Martina Yabekova’s leg workout as she prepares for Olympia’s Physique competition on Road to Olympia Part 5...
29AugOn Road to Olympia Part 2, and two weeks out from Olympia, Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro, and IFBB Pro Martina Yabekova, show you what is needed to put on the finishing touches for the Mr. Olympia 2017 Figure Competition...
25AugWatch as EFX Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro, trains IFBB Pro Figure Competitor Martina Yabekova, during the final 3 weeks before she takes the stage at this years Olympia 2017 in Las Vegas...
29MayBuild up your legs and calves while limiting injury by using proper form. Checking your form, may not seem fun, but it will pay off in the long run...
15MayAre you tired of not seeing results or not being able to hit key areas of the muscle when using the leg press? Well, EFX Sports Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro has tips on positioning, tempo, and finding your ideal foot placement to get the most out of..
03MayEFX Sports IFBB Pro Trainer shows you how he trains his calves to increase size! Give this a try on your next leg day...
09AprSummer is around the corner and it’s beyond time to grow those arms! Don’t just rely on the pump actually grow them with these workouts. Here is a great workout with EFX Sports Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro as he trains our Natural BodyBuilder David ..
31JanThe last episode you saw how to bring in those quads now we take a look at hamstrings. Looking to build bigger quads? Check out these workout tips from our EFX Sports Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro as he shows you how to get show ready quads...