24JanLooking to build bigger quads? Check out these workout tips from our EFX Sports Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro as he shows you how to get show ready quads...
19JanHow do you build the biggest badest back in the gym? Our Protrainer Eric DiLauro and EFX Sports Ambassador David Chavers have tips on how to do it as they are training back in this next installment...
11JanHow do you build the biggest badest back in the gym? Protrainer Eric DiLauro and EFX Sports Ambassador David Chavers have tips on training back the right way...
01DecIt’s back day as EFX Sports Pro Trainer Eric DiLauro trains EFX Sports Ambassador David Chavers. Eric’s goal with David is to focus on heavy compound movements to build up his muscle and give him a strong foundation as he gets show-ready...